Henry Zhou – a new friend of ours

In our third week here in Wuxi we had the opportunity to play football. It was really exhausting. The temperatures were around 36 degrees Celsius and the felt temperature was 48 degrees. But we enjoyed the game anyway because we were able to meet new people and we had a lot of fun.
Zhou Henry invited us to this football game. Henry is also working for Bühler and Jeremy met him during a task he had to do for his project.
All of us agreed to this opportunity to have some fun after work. And so we met Henry and his friends at the football field on Monday evening.

With this interview we will introduce Henry to you.
For us it is also a good way to get to know a bit more about Henry. We do this blog post in English to give him the possibility to read the article.


Name:                                         Zhou Zhihua (周志华) called Henry

Age / Chinese zodiac sign:       27 / Horse

Joining Bühler since:             June of 2016

Grew up in:                                Wuxi, Jiangsu


What is your position at Bühler Wuxi?
I am a product engineer at Bühler Wuxi for the Product-Value-Chain 2 (PVC2).

How did you come to Bühler?
I found the job on the internet. Bühler Wuxi posts vacancies always on the internet and I applied for the job and was able to get it.

Have you worked for other companies before?
Yes, I came to Bühler Wuxi last summer and before I worked for CRRC. This company is producing locomotives and other railway vehicles. I worked there as a welding engineer and machining engineer and tracked the process of products.

What did you study and in which institute?
I studied in Nanjing at the Institute of technology. My major was mechanical design.

What are you doing during your spare time? What are your hobbies?
I read a lot in my spare time, in addition I do also photographs. I am an amateur photographer.

Did you take some photo courses to get better photograph skills?
No, I learnt everything by myself. Learning by doing. I can show you some pictures I took. I am very proud of them.


Henry's picture
This is the high speed train station in Wuxi.
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Do you have big plans for the future?
A big plan of mine is that I want to travel Europe. I want to visit some small cities like small towns all over Europe, which are very beautiful and have a long history. It is a plan for the near future.

Do you know Switzerland well?
Yes, I know that Switzerland is very developed and a very nice country. I know too that Switzerland has many famous companies. For example Bühler and the watchmakers like Jaeger-LeCoultre. This brand is very famous in China. The workers in Switzerland are also very professional and hard working. I like them very much.

Do you want to travel to Switzerland?
Until now, I have never been in Switzerland before. But if I do my Europe trip I will for sure visit Switzerland for sure. I want to see the Bühler headquarters in Uzwil. As well as the capital city of Switzerland, Berne, and some other famous cities like Lausanne or Lucerne.

Which is the place you like most in China and why?
It would be Chengdu. It is a city in the middle of China. They have very delicious food and the whole city has a beautiful scenery. The city has a long and interesting history. Pandas live there too, they have a big panda reserve next to the city. In my opinion it is the most beautiful city and one of the nicest place to spend time in China.

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